Alle Reviews
Larceny - Into Darkness (Opa Steve, 2015-05-14)
Antiversum - Total Vacuum (grid, 2015-05-13)
Goatblood - Adoration of Blasphemy and War (grid, 2015-05-13)
Celtachor - Nuada Of The Silver Arm (Krümel, 2015-05-13)
Soul Secret - 4 (RJ, 2015-05-13)
Shakhtyor - Tunguska (Zephir, 2015-05-12)
Cold Cell - Lowlife (RJ, 2015-05-11)
Gruesome - Savage Land (Eddieson, 2015-05-11)
Continuum - The Hypothesis (Dudemeister, 2015-05-10)
Sirenia - The Seventh Life Path (Opa Steve, 2015-05-10)
Faceshift - All Crumbles Down (RJ, 2015-05-10)
Steorrah - II: Thin White Paint (RJ, 2015-05-10)
Full Devil Jacket - Valley Of Bones (Mandragora, 2015-05-09)
Sacral Rage - Illusions In Infinite Void (EpicEric, 2015-05-09)
Heathen Foray - Into Battle (des, 2015-05-09)
Watch Them Fade - Welcome To My Void (Dudemeister, 2015-05-08)
Prong - Songs From The Black Hole (Naked Snake, 2015-05-08)
Mist - Inan' (RJ, 2015-05-07)
Sacred Blood - Argonautica (Mandragora, 2015-05-07)
Infesting Swarm - Desolation Road (grid, 2015-05-07)
The Driftwood Sign - The Driftwood Sign (RJ, 2015-05-06)
Agnostic Front - The American Dream Died (Eddieson, 2015-05-06)
Crossplane - Masturboned (Stormrider, 2015-05-05)
Furor Gallico - Furor Gallico Re-Release (Krümel, 2015-05-04)
Lancer - Second Storm (Stormrider, 2015-05-04)
Mordenial - Where The Angels Fall (Eddieson, 2015-05-03)
Skyforger - Senprūsija (Eddieson, 2015-05-03)
Wittgenstein - ...Und Es Wird Dunkel (Mandragora, 2015-05-03)
Bonfire - Glörious (Stormrider, 2015-05-01)
Necrotic Woods - The Nameless Dark (grid, 2015-05-01)

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