23.06.2010    DEADLOCK covern RUNNING WILD   (16600 mal gelesen)
DEADLOCK kommen mit folgenden Nachrichten ins Haus:

"Hey People,

we are in the final steps of the pre-production for our new album and can't wait to record the new stuff!
At the moment we work hard on the last fine tuning of the songs but be sure that the yet unborn child will rock your ears off! :-)
Due date for the baby will be in early 2011. If you are as DL-addicted as we are, kill your time with our
cover version of Running Wild's "When Time Runs Out" on our MySpace profile! "

"When Time Runs Out" gibt es bei Myspace:

26.06.10 Dortmund @ Vainstream Rockfest Germany
27.06.10 Dessel @ Graspop Metal Meeting Belgium
02.07.10 Wiesbaden @ Vainstream Beastfest Germany
03.09.10 St. Jakob @ Rock The Lake Festival Austria

(Quelle: Lifeforce Records)

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