07.06.2010    ORPHANED LAND canceln ihren Gig in Istanbul (english)   (13661 mal gelesen)
“Merhaba, shalom & salam to all our beloved fans & friends.

2 weeks ago, we were the happiest band on earth when we were announced to Sonisphere Istanbul, we all waited for this moment for so long. Then, a political fucked up crisis started between our countries and a whole chaos started to go on and unfortunately still goes on till that moments.

After a few days of rumors we were sadly announced today that the security company who is responsible of the festival cannot guarantee our safety during the fest and therefore our show had to be delayed from this year…
You have to know that, we, Orphaned Land, we felt safe and we 100% wanted to come despite all, to have that show for the purpose of peace, friendship and brotherhood of our nations. The facts are that this is a big festival, with many people and many bands, and the security company didn't want to risk all of that just because of us. We couldn't agree with it, but we fully understand it and respect it. Yet, we and Purple productions, are very sad, it is such a strange feeling not to be able to play in Turkey, this is our second home!

Due to the situation that was created our show moved to Sonisphere Romania. We promise you all that we will make the maximum efforts to schedule new dates in Turkey very soon. We personally feel safe; we don't need any kind of security, surrounded by all of you makes us safe, but this is just us.

We wish to thank our amazing fans who wrote "Serefe" in our facebook fan page (there were hundreds of you!!) To all the people that opened support groups and even the ones that just expressed their opinion; you all are the greatest gift that a band could get. Please don't be sad about this cancellation, all delays are for the good, one day, politicians will learn and take an example from you and us, Inshallah.

Before we leave please remember this, our orphaned brothers - our countries flags may have different signs and colors but deep in our hearts shines the same flag – the flag of hope, friendship, brotherhood, don't ever forget it - it is our duty as disciples of the sacred oath.

Sherefe & mujuck to all of you,

(Quelle: Rundmail)

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