Interview mit Stefan Weinerhall von Falconer

Ein Interview von Odin vom 05.09.2001 (24073 mal gelesen)
E-Mail Interview aus dem September 2001.

Falconer is:

Mathias Blad: Lead Vocals, keyboards and backing vocals
Stefan Weinerhall: Guitars and bass
Karsten Larsson: Drums

Nat:   How would you describe your current style of music? "True Metal" or "Power Metal" might be close, but it is fairly special...

Stefan:   There is so many styles and everyone have their own opinion of the description of them. I would just call our music melodic heavymetal, but then there is of course the "true" ones that say that if it should be Heavymetal then the band have to live up to some stupid "rules". So however you turn it around I guess someone will allways not agree.

Nat:   The songs on your debut album ("Falconer") sound great and feature fine arrangements. Do you think much about musical theory or do the songs mainly derive from emotions and the feeling for the tunes?

Stefan:   The songs take form without any mathematic thinking. Of course I have to test different ways so the songs don´t sound the same. Generally you could say that the way they turn out is just straight from my inside. Sometimes ideas can also appear from mistakes or just some bullshitplaying.

Nat:   For Falconer you found a very special vocalist. Mathias sounds unlike any metal/rock singer known before and especially very much unlike your vocals with Mithotyn.

Stefan:   He is perfect. Proffessional, original and has some dramatic vein in his voice. From the beginning I just looked for someone that could sing. When his name popped up I tried him out and I got stunned by the perfect match between his voice and my music.

Nat:   I read that Mathias is still employed at the Musical in Goeteborg and they have their first night of "Jesus Christ Superstar" in September. Has he enough time left - beside acting as Peter - for your work with Falconer? Is he a permanent part of the lineup?

Stefan:   He is permanent indeed. He will nontheless give up his musicalcareer for it. During the times he repeats for some play there is not that much time over for Falconer but it works.The rest of the time there is more than enough time. He sets a new song after a couple of turns and it´s perfect, where Karsten and I on the other hand have to play the song several times before it gets to a satisfactionary level and all details are in place. So this keeps the whole band in the same pace all the time. We will actually go down and watch the play in September.

Nat:   This must be a bothering topic to you already: Will Falconer ever appear live on stage? Although you plan it to be a studio project, you have innumerable fans already, who are longing for the great music of Falconer to be heard live!

Stefan:   Yes, the demand for live shows has grown way bigger than I expected, so for the promotion of the coming album we will have to do something about this issue.

Nat:   Your website ( shows that you like the close contact to your fans. You answer postings on the discussion board personally, what is (sadly) scarce for most musicians.

Stefan:   Well, it doesn´t take that much time to answer some questions. If someone asks a question about me and I have the answer I´d like to answer it of course.

Nat:   Even more, your postings on the board testify that you are a master of foreign tongues! I was surprised to read an answer to a question of a Spanish fan - written in Spanish as well! Swedish, Spanish, English - do you speak even more languages?

Stefan:   Hmmm, I´d like to answer "yes" .. but I can´t. In fact it´s my mother who knows Spanish, so she translated the answer for me. So, I´m not as educated as you thought. Damn it, the lie is revealed!!

Nat:   As we are on a personal field already: You let us know that Falconer does not pay yet, so there is no argument of being soft in order to earn a lot of money with the music. But how do you finance your musical work then anyway? You have to live (and feed a family?) as well, so you surely have a common job?

Stefan:   Well, I have only myself to feed. I work during the summers and get "unemployment-money" (about 70% of the salury) during the rest of the year, so I get by. I don´t get anywhere in life with this situation but it´s pretty free anyway. I have to take care of things soon!!

Nat:   Back to the music: What are you up to at the moment and what can we expect from Falconer in the future?

Stefan:   I have one more song to write, then in November it´s time to enter the studio again. Expect a new album in the spring, with (in my opinion) a greater deal of variation than before.

Nat:   Anything else you would like to say here?

Stefan:   Hail to all the fans out there and thanks for this interview.

Nat:   Thank you very much for you time and patience. We wish you good luck and a lot of fun with your future work!
  - Nat


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