Interview mit Karl Beckman von Infernal Vengeance

Ein Interview von TexJoachim vom 05.06.2004 (16628 mal gelesen)
After all those raving reviews for their first demo CD, I had the chance to talk to the man behind INFERNAL VENGEANCE. Here is the transcript of the dialogue between the viking and the beast.

  If I remember correctly, MITHOTYN split in 1999. Now we have 2004. What did you do in all those years?

Karl Beckman:   Is it 5 years ago? Wow, time flies. Well, I haven't done much really. I've been playing with my brother in a cover band, specialized on JUDAS PRIEST songs, to get my fingers going, and writing some of my own material. But in the last years the songwriting took serious form.

  When did you decide to form INFERNAL VENGEANCE and when did Johan Kullander and Carl Lindèn join in?

Karl Beckman:   Johan and I played together in a band about three years ago I think, and I liked his execution on the bass directly. Very energetic and technical. He was the first member to join me, about a year ago, and he is the one who hears all my writing first. Exept from my girlfriend of course. Carl Lindèn joined the force in the fall last year. I've played with him before as well. For a couple of rehearsals, he took my place behind the drums in INDUNGEON. I've always liked his way to play the drums, so he was a obvious choice for the job. Johan is a killer on drums as well, but he'll get stuck with the bass in this band.

  Could you give us some background information on your fellow musicians?

Karl Beckman:   Johan plays in a cover band which is well called: PIGS IN SPACE. What a name , and there he is the beating machine. And what else? He is very fond of Booze and Beer. But seriously, who is not? Carl has another band called: LIGHT OF CANDLE. They play what they call "Magick Metal", a sort of Power Metal. He had several other bands before, but hopefully he'll be satisfied with two.

  Who wrote the songs to your first CD?

Karl Beckman:   I did. Presently, I write all of our material, but of course the other guys have the right to change some parts to their personal touch. I have made about 15 songs ready to record, so that's one of the reasons why I'm the only writer at the time. Since MITHOTYN, I'm used to write with a partner, so I hope that Johan and Carl will bring some ideas to the writing part later on.

  As you did not include the lyrics, what do the songs deal with?

Karl Beckman:   It's quite diffrent from song to song. For example, 'Infernal Vengeance' is about that you should not take shit from no one. Hit back, and do it hard. 'Bleed For Your Master' and 'Launch Of Evil' is about ancient times when our ancestors were forced to become christians against their will. 'Bleed For Your Master' is a kind of ovation for those who resisted in to the bitter end.

  I know that our reviews of "Promo '04" were very positive. Have you heard from other magazines, by now?

Karl Beckman:   Only one. Lex at "Metalglory Magazine" did a very nice review. We're waiting for several zines to review the CD, and hopefully the responses keep going in the same direction. After all the hard work, it's very gratifying to get the response that we have received this far.

  Has INFERNAL VENGEANCE already played live?

Karl Beckman:   Unfortunatley no. Since we're two men short, we decided to wait.

  Do you plan to play live, or will we only get studio releases? There are quite a number of Viking metal bands that have never been on stage: BATHORY and FALKENBACH among them.

Karl Beckman:   Yes we are. If we get a record deal, we'll employ two more guys, and then we 'll be doing some serious live shows.

  Do you still have contact to Stefan Weinerhall and are there any chances of a combined tour? To see DOOMSWORD, FALCONER and INFERNAL VENGEANCE on one evening would be appealing.

Karl Beckman:   Yes we still call each other on the phone every now and then, whenever there's a party coming up. And to be on tour with those guys would definitely be nice. I could join Kristoffer on the "The Sceptre Of Deception" track. Ha, ha... what a laugh.

  Actually, I would really like to see that. For now, let me thank you for the interview and I cross my fingers that you'll get a record deal as soon as possible and kick some serious ass live on stage!


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