10.10.2002 The Crown mit neuem Sänger (26383 mal gelesen)
Johan Lindstrand ist zurück als fester Sänger bei The Crown!
Hier seine Mitteilung an alle "Crownheads":
"Alright planet earth!!!! This is Johan Lindstrand speaking! I´m very proud to say that I`m back in THE CROWN. This time with full fuckin` force. My commitment and dedication is 110% and I am very excited about the future of the band. I have already rehearsed on a couple of new songs and they fuckin` blew me away. Really awesome. It feels great to scream with the band again and I`m looking forward to see you on the road so what I wanna say is:
THE CROWN HAS RETURNED!!!!!" (Johan Lindstrand)
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Metalbands die sich mit Sinfonie-Orchestern zusammentun.
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