Interview mit Corey von SENECA

Ein Interview von TadMekka vom 12.05.2009 (7243 mal gelesen)
Well, I don't like to do interviews. But I liked SENECAs Album pretty much and was unhappy about the more or less ridiculous reviews I saw regarding their album. So I gave them a chance to, well, state their own opinion to that. 6 short questions to go.

Why did you choose the name SENECA for this Band?

Corey: It was chosen a good while ago. We had gotten together and were starting to put together material. At the time, one of our guitarists was taking philosophy. Running through some possible names, he threw out SENECA and explained why and it just kind of stuck. We especially appreciated one of his quotes in particular. It was basically a belief that time will unveil all truth. We think this can apply to bands as well. If a band or artist stays true to themselves and their own musical passions, their success will ultimately reflect that.

Your album is great but, well, pretty short. Reason? Does this mean, we get a real 'long'player soon?

Corey: I’m really glad you asked. We didn’t really intend on it being as short as it is. We were on a hiatus for a while, dealing with our jobs and school, etc. and took some time deciding in which direction we wanted the next album to go in. We felt that the individual songs on "Reflections" stood well on their own and still believe that. However, we're always experiencing new things and writing new music, so I think there's a good chance the next album will indeed be longer.

What are your future plans, maybe doing some European festivals?

Corey: We certainly hope so. We would love to further expose our music to an overseas crowd... specifically our live show.

The style (metalcore?) you chose, did this develop 'accidentally' or did you just start writing songs and this is what came out?

Corey: We honestly don't try adhere to any one genre. We simply write what we feel and if people want to call it metal-core, I suppose they can. We do think it is safe to say that "Reflections" is more than a simple metal-core album and regardless, we know that what was written and what eventually made it on the album is honest and the music that we want to play.

What do you think about the reviews especially in Germany, do you think they fit as they blabber around about songs not fitting to the whole concept and all?

Corey: If they’re talking about the concept of the album then I’d say the art represents how we interpret the music, then they can interpret it however they want. If they’re talking about the songs being too different from one another and not fitting a style concept, then we’ll take that as a compliment. As I mentioned, we simply play what we want to play and what we feel. We believed we could write a metal record with many different elements and still made them work. We think we did that, and did it without having to follow any particular concept.

Last not least: you do have grind-blasters on your album and billboard ballads alike. I liked both, cause I liked the feeling for melody and arrangement both shown. Nevertheless people are somewhat stumbling over that. They say it doesn't fit. They say it was calculated: the more successful any of these directions is, the more likely you'd follow up with it?

Corey: Calculated? Definitely not. We appreciate the different ends of the musical spectrum that made it into "Reflections" and when we wrote this album, it was evident we didn't stick to any one formula. We believe all the songs were all fairly well written. If a person likes one style more than the other, that's entirely their prerogative. Never the less, I don’t think this would sway how we write. We’ll always walk the line of staying true to ourselves while still trying to write captivating music. We honestly do believe that our passion and enthusiasm for our music will reveal us as the true artists that we see ourselves to be and believe that the truly passionate, enthusiastic metal fans will recognize that and come along for the ride.

Ok, anything you want to add?

Corey: Thank you so much for your time and we hope to see Europe soon!

He's got a point, hasn't he? Well, I can't help but wonder what goes on in the minds of people who mutter around about 'not enough variety' and then, if a young band decides to maximise exactly that requested variety, gripe around again about it beeing too much. Can someone explain, to what extend variety would be just perfect, when 'not enough' and 'too much' seem to have a pretty big overlapping?


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