Interview mit Vomitory von Vomitory

Ein Interview von aeronaut vom 10.04.2007 (11414 mal gelesen)
VOMITORY will publish their new album "Terrorize Brutalize Sodomize" at the 20. April. In the frames of this publication i had the chance to question the band via email.

  Hey guys! First I have to say: "Terrorize Brutalize Sodomize" is a killer album! How do you think about it?

Vomitory:   Thank you very much! We are extremely satisfied with everything about it! The songs are great, our performances are the best on an album so far, the production is over the top as well as the album artwork. It feels great to finally have the album out after three long years since the release of our previous album, "Primal Massacre". It’s the first album with our new guitar player Peter Östlund in the band and I believe that with this album, we’ll show that VOMITORY is still alive and kicking and to be counted on even in the future.

  The last album of VOMITORY was released in 2004. What you did in the past 3 years?

Vomitory:   After the release of "Primal Massacre" we did only a few shows during the summer of 2004, and then nothing happened for us. We kind of lost the inspiration to do anything – either writing new songs or trying to get more shows. Nobody seemed to want to take the band forward, or in any direction at all actually. It was quite a discouraging period for the band. Then in September 2005, our long-time companion and guitarist Ulf Dalegren decided to leave the band after nearly fifteen years. He wants to keep the reasons for it private, but there were no bad blood involved with his departure. We are still very close friends. Ulf had to make certain priorities in life and this time, there simply wasn’t space for VOMITORY. We hated to see him go, but when Peter Östlund joined the band it was kind of a new start for us. The inspiration came back immediately, and then some. Peter came in with lots of cool ideas and a hunger to create some new brutal VOMITORY death metal and that definitely made an impact on the other three of us!

  In your eyes: Are there any changes of your sound? Or is everything with the old one?

Vomitory:   We have definitely stayed true to our style, but there are some things that are new for being VOMITORY. Having Peter in the band has brought the possibility for us to use guitar leads in a way that we never had before. That definitely spice things up a bit. We also have more heavy and slower parts incorporated in the songs than before, and even one entirely slow song on the album, 'Whispers From The Dead'. This makes this album more varied and, in a way, more interesting than our previous albums. The production and sound on the album, by Rikard Löfgren, are also more up to date and sounds more modern, which was exactly what we wanted this time.

  Would you explain each song with just one sentence?

Vomitory:   'Eternal Trail Of Corpses': Pure VOMITORY blast from the first to the last tone. 'Scavenging The Slaughtered': Some old riffs mixed with new ones in this tribute to EXHUMED. 'Terrorize Brutalize Sodomize': An anthem song for rage, hatred and insanity. 'The Burning Black': Peter’s first VOMITORY song, and totally old-school! 'Defiled And Inferior': A stab in the back on religious extremists in this grind-o-rama! 'March Into Oblivion': Old-school Stockholm death metal at its best, with touch of BOLT THROWER. 'Whispers From The Dead': Some serious SLAYER- and MORBID ANGEL-vibes in this heavy fucker. 'Heresy': A great song with lots of different elements for being VOMITORY, which makes it quite interesting. 'Flesh Passion': One of the first songs written for the album and one of my absolute all-time VOMITORY favourites! BLAST!!! 'Cremation Ceremony': A perfect closer for the album that has some typical VOMITORY stuff in it, but has a pretty unexpected, but very cool ending.

  Do you have musical ideals? What are your influences?

Vomitory:   Everyone has musical ideals, but I don’t know how to describe that in a simple and brief way. I guess the musical ideals are being formed and changed during your whole life, as long as you’re listening to music, as well as all our other ideals. I believe that everything we listen to, in one way or another influences us. But when it comes to composing my own music, there are of course certain bands that are more influential than others. Some bands that are the foundation of my inspiration are old GRAVE, NAPALM DEATH, SLAYER, old ENTOMBED, BOLT THROWER, TERRORIZER and VADER. Other bands that are very influential to me are EXHUMED, ABORTED, CANNIBAL CORPSE, DEAD INFECTION, ROTTEN SOUND and CARCASS to name a few.

  Did you have ever problems because of your artworks or your lyrics? For example: as a fellow student saw your new artwork he said: „Oh my god, I can’t believe they are able to publish things like this!“

Vomitory:   Hahaha, cool that he got offended, ‘cause that’s the whole point! We never had any problems with that earlier, but with "Terrorize Brutalize Sodomize" there has already been censorship involved. The European distributor refused the album with its original cover artwork, so we had to make a less brutal version of it and have that as a paper slipcase around the plastic CD case, which still has the original cover. The milder version is the one that’s on the promo CD’s with only the bloody morning star and the logo and title. The original version has the bloody morning star in the foreground and a bloody trail that leads to a molested human in the background that is slightly out of focus. It’s all very brutal and obscene, but still very artistic. We are very satisfied with how it all turned out. Chaos Media has done a great job with the artwork and layout. And if you think that the cover is brutal… Wait until you see the inside of the booklet! That’s where the real brutality is! Dude, there’s some seriously sick shit in there… and we love it!

  What are your plans for the upcoming summer? Are you playing some festivals or do you plan a tour? And, important for our readers and me: do you come to Germany?

Vomitory:   We are currently making plans for a European tour, which of course will include shows in Germany, as well as some summer festivals. We actually just got the confirmation to play at With Full Force this summer! We’re playing on Saturday the 30th of June in the afternoon. Don’t you dare missing that!

  What do you think about all the young, rising bands playing death metal. Do you like them; do you grant them their success? Or is it (in your eyes) a negative overflow for the death metal genre?

Vomitory:   No, I don’t think there is any overflow, maybe with all the “new wave of American metal”-bands that all sound more or less the same, but not in death metal. As long as any band is good and are dedicated to what they do, I definitely whish them the best.

  What do the guys of VOMITORY if they don’t do any music?

Vomitory:   When we’re not making music or playing with VOMITORY, we live pretty average lives with regular day jobs, girlfriends, kids and houses etc. Erik, Urban and me also ride our motorcycles in the summertime, which is a nice hobby too. But most of our spare time is dedicated to music in one way or another.

  Thank you for the interview! Now you have space for the famous last words!

Vomitory:   Thank you! Make sure to check out our new album "Terrorize Brutalize Sodomize" and keep your eyes open to catch VOMITORY live somewhere in Germany soon! Cheers!


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