Interview mit Adriel von City Sleeps

Ein Interview von Mandragora vom 17.01.2008 (10661 mal gelesen)
Some questions answered by guitarist Adriel Garcia concerning the new album "Not An Angle" by CITY SLEEPS.

Hey City Sleeps, First of all thank you for having this interview with us.

Adriel: Our pleasure.

Here my first Question: This month you released your Album "Not An Angle". How did it feel to have finished your first Full-Length Album?

Adriel: It was definitly surreal seeing it on the shelves in the stores.

How would you describe the songwriting process?

Adriel: Ely and I write everything for the most part. We actually do it all in Protools on my computer. We just record ideas, tweak them until they're what we want, and then lean how to play them as a band.

I think our readers are very interested in your band history, especially how you got to work with John Feldmann and how the band was formed.

Adriel: Well we formed in 2000, went through a few lineup and bandname changes, and then we were discovered by Feldy. He actually contacted us first. We were shocked, haha. We sent him demo's until he thought we had what we needed. The record got recorded at his studio in LA and the rest is history.

What is the message of your music? Is there one?

Adriel: I wouldn't say there is one clear message... but its definitly a have fun/party sing-alone record that will also pull your heart strings.

How would you describe your style? Is it Hardcore or Post-Hardcore or something else? Which are the elements you emphasise?

Adriel: I think we're just a rock band. We don't really fit into any group of bands right now.

Do you have any other music projects besides CITY SLEEPS?

Adriel: Nope

To which music are you listening in your "private life"?

Adriel: We all have ipods and listen to so many different things. I listen to anything from KILLSWITCH ENGAGE, to ENYA.

Can you tell me which is your favourite Song on the album?

Adriel: I'd say its probably ‘Walker's Ridge’, although we don't play it live that often.

Are you having a job other than the band or is the band your job?

Adriel: The band is my job. Although some of us will do random work and odd jobs when we're at home.

And last but not least: What means music to you? Work, leisure, or attitude to life?

Adriel: Music is the most universal form of comunication. It can start a riot or take away your pain. I was born to be a musican, so music is My life and I wouldn't do anything else.

Is there anything you ever wanted to say but you were not asked?

Adriel: Yes, everyone should be driving electric cars that way oil companies go under and the world is a safer place.

Thanks for your support.


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