Interview 2011 English Version

Ein Artikel von Vikingsgaard vom 17.02.2011 (29236 mal gelesen)

A beery hello to Finland and congratulations to your new album! We spoke about "Sings of Existence" exactly 3 years ago and now, here about your 3rd CD "MyGrain". When listening, my first impression was that now you sound much more free but yet have more self esteem. What happened?

Resistor: Hello hello and it's nice to talk with you again! Yep, I think there is a really fresh feeling on this third album. Basically we just continued where we left with the previous albums. There is also new blood in MyGrain's veins, so some changes were obvious with the third release. We got this amazing guy Mr.Downhill on the band
and he has brought so much good vibes to the music.

Tommy: Yeah I think this is the right direction that we went with the new album. MyGrain sounds more of itself than ever, and who knows what's next to come? This is a good new start of a new journey.


Everybody must know by now, that I am a big fan of yours, even though oficially, I do tend more to death/black Metal. Somehow you can always discover new and interesting details, which keeps the album exciting. Could that be the influence of Dan Swanoe's production?

Resistor: Well we just try to write melodic and cathcy songs but still they have to be really rough and asskicking so that we can enjoy playing them live & headbang as hell!
I think we managed to do that on this third album pretty well.
I think that Mr.Swanö did make also a great job with the mixing and mastering process. The soundwall is huge but clear! Also a big thumbs up goes to Janne Joutsenniemi who recorded the album and made a good bottom sound to the songs.

Tommy: We have always some tricks in the songs, and with Janne Joutsenniemi's help we managed to shape the songs in their final form. So big thanks to him, and mr. Dan Swanö as well, who gave the final touch in that "in your face" sound!

How did you decide to use Dan as your producer?

Resistor: Actually Mr.Swanö just mixed/mastered the new album and Janne Joutsenniemi was producing and helping us out with this album.
Eve our keyboard player had always liked Mr.Swanös projects so we though that we could try to ask him if he wants to mix and master the album and he did. It was so cool!

6 people, 6 egos and 6 different musical likes. How do you agree on anything?

Resistor: In MyGrain camp we all get along really well. We know what we want to accomplish with this band and everyone is giving the effort, so that someday
we could reach it. Also if there is something bothering we discuss about the matter and let the bad air fly away :)

Tommy: Hahah, maybe that 666 just makes this infernally sweet yet rough receipt for our sound. :) But there sure isn't any ego-war between these mad cooks, we just complete each other.

How many lungs does Tommy have? :)

Resistor: I don't know man, but he sure did an amazing job with this album! Little guy with a huge voice!

Tommy: Whoah....I think I have just one pair of lungs, but maybe one pair of gills as well, as I managed to nail "Trapped in an Hourglass" under water...hehehe.

No, seriously: everybody knows you can sing, but your performance on "MyGrain" is almost crazy! (In a positive way). What inspires you to come up with such song parts and how do you take care of your voice?

Tommy: I take that as an ultimate compliment. Thank you. For me it always feels like I could've done so much better, but in the end I'm still quite happy with the result. Of course you just have to make some maintenance on your voice to make it last and stretch for different kinds of styles.


Soon there is going to be an official video to "Trapped in an Hourglass". That makes sense, because it seems this song reflects the whole album. Is that correct or are there other reasons for that?

Resistor: Yep, we though it was a great song to make a video. Many different feelings on it. A big thumbs up to the Tage Rönnqvist & the video crew for making a great job!

Tommy: That's a very diverse song with catchiness and rage, so I think it represents the album well. Tage & co., you did an amazing job!

Anybody who has some sensitivity under their rough Metal skin, could cry a few tears listening to "Cataclysm Child". What were your feelings when you heard the album for the first time in the store version?

Resistor: I gotta say that I was a really positively supprised. The few years that we rehearsed and composed the songs wasn't the easiest ones. So after it was all done
it felt really good.

Tommy: Heheh, a few tears (in a good way) is a good reaction also. :) That song has the distant/melancholic feeling in it. First time hearing the final result was actually a nice experience, eventhough a bit exciting as well.

Szenario: If you had to write a Review about the band MyGrain what musical category would you put that band in? and what would you tell them for the future?

Resistor: It's always pretty hard with the genres but I have always called our music asskicking metal with catchy melodies. It's somekind of a mixture between scandinavian metal vs. american style?

Tommy: It's always hard to pigeonhole the music...damn, but i'd say modern & rough melodic metal, with a slight progressive and scifi touch in it. A short definition, hehe. Definately also a mix of what Resistor just said in the end.

One more thing I have to talk about: the constant no-shows of MyGrain in the german concert world. Is that going to get better in the future?

Resistor: I truly hope that with this new album we could finally do some gigs abroad. That would be the next big goal for us! Lets all keep our fingers crossed for that.

Tommy: Yeah, we really hope this time we could play a show for you, German metal heads! :) This time it seems more obvious than ever though. That would be the next long awaited step for us, hopefully yet to come with this album!

Thank you guys and i left some space for a final statement from you or anything important you want to say. ;-)

Resistor: Thank you for the interview & for the great album review.. wooow!
And to all our friends out there who have supported MyGrain in anyway... you rule & hopefully we see you on the road someday!

Tommy: I'm perfectly comping for Resistor in this one! Hope to see you soon guys and gals! Thank you! Cheers with beers!


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