Infernal Vengeance Studio Diary

Ein Artikel von Souleraser vom 16.05.2004 (16566 mal gelesen)

Infernal Vengeances studio diary.

Written by: K. Beckman

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Saturday 06-03-2004

At 12.00 am Swe time, we entered the studio at Whatstone Produktions, with a cheerful mind, all excited about the result of this little piece of malicious metal we were about to make.

Mr. Johan Lennartsson and Mr. Johan Liljefors, opend the doors to the dungeon, and the recording of "Promo '04" could begin.

We started to get the drums ready, and after a few solved problems we were ready to get the drums on track.

Everything went smooth and Mr. Lindèn was done after only four hours. I don`t recall that he did any retakes, that`s one of the benefits when you rehearse until your ears nearly start to bleed.

I can`t say that I was exalted over how the drums sounded in the beginning, but after a few adjustments by the mixer they started to sound like an insane battering ram. Damn nice!

Then it was time for the guitars.

Hua! The sound couldn't be worse. If you take a grinding machine and record it, it would sound better. And we discoverd that after we were done with all the guitars. Funny? NO! Obviously you shouldn't mix beer drinking and tiredness when you`re making a record.

With tired ears we headed to the nearest pub to end this day. Cheers!

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Sunday 07-03-2004

Back in the studio at 09.00 am.

We recorded the guitars again, with an extremely fat sound this time. It was just that it was too fat. They made the speaker element sound like they were completely broken when we played it loud. DAMMIT! ARGH! My fingers were hurting at this time.

We decided to record the bass instead, and take the guitar later.

So we plugged in Mr. Bullet to the amp, and unleashed hell. Without any mistakes, the bass lines were in place two hours later. I really like the sound of the bass. A mix between steel and roaring thunder. Yummie!

We were running out of time, so we decided to get the guitars on track later this week.

Photo of Karl Beckman

Tuesday 09-03-2004

In place at 07.00 pm.

Armed to the teeth with adrenaline. It was time for the vocals. We only had to adjust a coupple of things with the guitar first. It was made in an hour, very smooth.

Head phones on, a lot of aggression, and we were getting ready to make the vocals on the little metal piece Infernal Vengeance.

Hm... Well! What can I say? When I`ve listend to the vocals, everything falled to their right places. Like a fist in the face... Mmmm....

After the evenings work we burned a copy of two tracks, 'Infernal Vengeance' and 'A launch of evil', only to get a premonition of how our work will sound when it`s completed. My home stereo simply doesn't sound like a pair of studio speakers (333 EUR), so we must burn a copy just to assure us that it wouldn't sound like crap. But it did. The drums and guitars were all messed up, so I think we must devote some serious time by the mixer.

Tuesday 16-03-2004

At 8.00 pm. Mr. Johan Liljefors called me on the phone, and told me that he had made a raw mix of some tracks. So me and Mr. Bullet payed him a visit, somewere far away in the cold country.

I must say that I was impressed by the work he had produced, concerning how the songs sounded when he`d got the tracks. The drums and guitars sound much better than before, but the bass and vocals are worse. Damn!

So, once again we burned a copy and took it home for an analysis. Hm... It still needs a few touches, but it`s getting closer to our goal.

Tuesday 20-04-2004

After several weeks with editings here and there, we enterd the studio once again. This time to correct the bass on 'Bleed For Your Master' and some vocals on 'Launch Of Evil'.

Wwwooouuummm!!! I think we got a winner here. I`m starting to get really satisfied with these songs. They've become a mix of Death, Black & Power Metal. Exactly my taste.

Wednesday 12-05-2004

Well, what can I say. Time flyes.

There has ben a lot of running to the studio to do some smaller corrective parts during the last weeks. And at last everything is in place. I've got the cover today, and I'm really satisfied with it. J. Liljefors helped me out with that, too. He is a very nice guy indeed.

So after we have launched some material on the homepage, it's time to send a bunch of copies to lables and news zines over the world. Expensive but hopefully worth it.

Photo of the Band



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