Interview mit Jason William Walton von Agalloch

Ein Interview von Evil Wörschdly vom 11.10.2006 (9721 mal gelesen)
With their new album "Ashes Against The Grain" AGALLOCH have recorded a great piece of melodic and emotional music, an original mixture of styles like rock, dark metal an folk, that defies classification. In November the band will be playing a few concerts in Germany, so I sent them some question before their trip to Europe. Actually guitarist Don Anderson was supposed to answer, but in the end bassist Jason William Walton did the interview…

  Hello Don, you just released your new album "Ashes Against The Grain", so please tell us something about the record. How was the time in the studio and what do you think about the album now that it’s finished? Still pleased with everything?

Jason William Walton:   I think I can speak for the entire band when I say that this is our strongest and most focused work yet. I am extremely satisfied with this album, and very happy with the outcome. The process in the studio was long and painful as always, but I love it. It’s like giving birth.

  It’s been four years since your last full length album "The Mantle" has been released. How would you describe the musical development that AGALLOCH went through in this time? For example, I think there are a bit less folk elements on the new record, right?

Jason William Walton:   Yes, the new album has less folk elements. Any band worth anything will change and evolve from album to album, and that’s what we’ve done. We have matured as songwriters, as musicians and as people. I would only hope our art would reflect that.

  What’s your own favourite song on the album and why do especially you like this one?

Jason William Walton:   This changes from day to day. My three favourite are 'Not Unlike The Waves', 'Falling Snow', and 'Our Fortress is Burning'. I love 'Not Unlike The Waves' because it shows John maturing as a vocalist, and is possibly our catchiest song ever. 'Falling Snow' as it shows us taking the song writing from "Pale Folklore" to the next level. 'Our Fortress Is Burning' because it is a very beautiful, unique and devastating song. Taking post rock to the next level.

  Can you tell us something about the lyrics? What topics do they deal with, are they rather personal? What does the album title "Ashes Against The Grain" mean? And what’s the meaning of the name AGALLOCH actually?

Jason William Walton:   Agalloch is a type of fragrant wood that incense is made from. Agallochum. The lyrics on "Ashes" are based around a modern day folk tale that John wrote. They are very personal to him.

  The cover of "Ashes Against The Grain" looks extremely simple and differs a lot from all the modern digital stuff which is popular right now. Was it a conscious decision to stand out against this trend? Who did the cover artwork and what’s the idea behind this picture?

Jason William Walton:   Other people’s and other band’s decisions and products exist in a different realm than where we deal with our music. We notice it, but it has no influence on us. It was not a decision to make our album cover organic, that’s just the way it is. Our music is organic. We’re not going to have some cartoon looking crap as our cover. The cover was done by Veleda Thorrsson, but the slipcase cover was done by Tolonen of Finnish band Nest.

  What can you tell us about the three EPs you released in the time between "The Mantle" and your new album?

Jason William Walton:   They are each experiments. A different side of us than the norm

  I think your band has a really unique sound and doesn’t fit into any musical genre. How would you describe AGALLOCH’s style? Do you feel part of any kind of scene and what is your own musical background?

Jason William Walton:   I’m tired of trying to describe AGALLOCH. It is a unique and personal expression of the members of the band who share influences as wide as Carcass, The Ramones, Current 93, Faith No More, Katatonia, Fields of the Nephilim, Iron Maiden and many many more.

  If I had to guess your home country from the sound of your music, the USA surely wouldn’t have been the first thing that came to my mind. I think AGALLOCH sound rather European. Do you agree with this and have you been influenced by bands from Europe?

Jason William Walton:   We have no musical ties to America. Of course Europe has dominated metal music since day one. Most of our influences are European. It only makes sense that would come out in our music.

 I think there are a lot of people who don’t have a metal background that will like the instrumental side of your music but have a problem with the black-metal-like vocals. Could you imagine recording an album completely without these harsh vocals or do you think they are an important part of AGALLOCH’s sound?

Jason William Walton:   I can’t imagine it really. It may happen, but I think many bands think that maturity and progression come with moving away from harsh vocals and moving away from being heavy. I think that is actually very immature to look at it that way. It’s all sound, it’s all a palette to choose from. It’s too limiting for AGALLOCH to say we won’t do this, or won’t do that. It’s silly…

  As we are doing this interview for a metal mag I’d like to know your opinion on today’s metal scene. The dark/black metal influences in your music are obvious, but are you still a fan of this kind of music and are you keeping an eye on what’s going on in the scene/underground? Which bands in particular do you like/admire?

Jason William Walton:   Bands that are active today that I like are Ludicra, Kayo Dot, Genghis Tron, Vreid, Shining, Woods Of Ypres. I keep an eye on the scene somewhat, out of curiosity, but most of it is crap.

  In an interview with John Haughm and Jason William Walton I read that (to them) AGALLOCH is mainly a studio band. What’s wrong with concerts? Do you think that it is difficult to perform your music live – maybe because it is too complex or too emotional? Or do you simply not like the touring?

Jason William Walton:   It has nothing to do with that. Don lives 4 hours away from us, I have two kids and a wife and a very demanding job, we are all very busy. AGALLOCH started as a studio band. We never even played in the same room together until after "The Mantle" was recorded. Our lives and schedules don’t allow for us to rehearse much, let alone be a working live band.

  In November you will be playing four shows here in Germany. Have you ever been here before and what do you expect from your visit in Europe?

Jason William Walton:   None of us have been to Germany. We are excited to visit the country. We’re not sure what to expect from Europe.

  Do you already have any future plans for the time after the gigs in Europe?

Jason William Walton:   We have some plans, but nothing concrete yet.

  Okay Don, that’s all. Thanks for your time and good luck for your future activities with AGALLOCH. The last words are yours.

Jason William Walton:   Thanks for the interview. Hope to see you all in Germany!


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