14.03.2024    DARKTHRONE kündigen neues Album   (11541 mal gelesen)
"I have no idea what genre we are, and have really not cared much about it, but I know for sure it’s metal.” (Noctunro Culto)

Das beschreibt DARKTHRONE mittlerweile ganz gut. Man kann also gesapnnt sein, was das neue Album wieder zu bieten hat.
Das Teil hört auf den Titel "It Beckons Us All" und erscheint am 26.04. über Peaceville.

1. Howling Primitive Colonies [06:30]
2. Eon 3 [05:43]
3. Black Dawn Affiliation [06:11]
4. And In That Moment I Knew The Answer [03:17]
5. The Bird People Of Nordland [07:27]
6. The Heavy Hand [04:18]
7. The Lone Pines Of The Lost Planet [10:03]

Erscheinen wird "It Beckon Us All" auf folgenden Formaten:
Limited Edition Deluxe boxed edition: includes It Beckons Us All on CD, an exclusive corona vinyl LP & cassette and art prints all housed in a heavy duty lift off lid box

· Limited edition ‘Fenriz’ edition LP on blue marble coloured vinyl– exclusively available through the Peaceville stores

· Limited edition ‘Nocturno Culto’ edition LP on grey marble coloured vinyl–available through the Peaceville stores

· CD

· LP

· Digital

· Plus other limited edition coloured vinyl LPs are available in stores across the world – cream white, crystal clear, petrol and .. a collectors dream .. if you can find them!

(Quelle: cmm-online)

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