16.01.2003    Enthüllung um neues Grave Digger Konzeptalbum!   (33363 mal gelesen)
Heute haben Grave Digger das Geheimnis um ihr nächstes Album gelüftet. Das Konzept ist eine Verarbeitung von Wagners Ring Der Nibelungen und der Titel der am 26. Mai erscheinenden CD wird "Rheingold" sein. Hier der Originaltext der Mitteilung:

"Dear Fans,

today we wanna tell you the title of our new record and the concept story as well:


CONCEPT : The concept is following the Saga of the Nibelungs. We worked out THE RING OF THE NIBELUNGS from Germany`s famous composer RICHARD WAGNER. The record is split in four parts as there are : Rheingold, Valkyrie, Triumph-Glory-Agony and Twightlight of the Gods. This are the four operas of the RING OF THE NIBELUNGS. It´s a very mystical story based on the old german saga of the Nibelungs. We worked also with some melody lines of the operas. The music includes all typical Grave Digger Trademarks like simple and epic melody lines, agressive vocals, guitars like chainsaws and a pounding rythmsection. You will see Dwarfs, Nymphys, Maidens, Giants, Swords, Dragons, Heroes, a golden Treasure, Liars, Murderer and of course Love, Death and
Agony appear in the lyrical concept.

If you are interested in the story please check out the following link to prepare yourself for "RHEINGOLD". We have also short interpretations of the story in the booklet. "RHEINGOLD" will have 10 songs and an intro. The digi pack will have one more song based also on the concept story. It´s not a cover version !!!


So be prepared for "RHEINGOLD"........

Metallic Greetings from the depths of the river Rhein...
Chris, Manni, HP, Stefan and Jens"

(Quelle: Christ Boltendahl)

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