Interview mit Giulio von Bejelit

Ein Interview von Krümel vom 26.03.2005 (9363 mal gelesen)
BEJELIT themselves really like the review of their CD "Hellgate". For that reason they asked, if there's possibility to do an interview with them. After getting the blessing from our chief Nat, you now can read what Giulio (the Drummer of BEJELIT) has to say.

  Hello! First of all many thanks for offering us the possibility to do this Mail-Interview.

Giulio:   Thanks to you and bleeding4Metal to give us this fantastic possibility!!!

  On your homepage we can read, that BEJELIT exist since 2000. However there were some line-up changes, but until 2003 you have a solid staff. How did the members meet?

Giulio:   Well, the band was born just for fun and all the members are friends since long ago! Fabio and Sandro were in contact for their common passion for RPG and so on. In 2002 me and the bass player Giorgio arrived, because we played together some years before. Daniel came into the band, because he is a friend of Giorgio, Sandro and mine. And he and me played together in a Band called PALADINE.

  The current members are Fabio Privitera - Vocals, Sandro Capone - Guitar, Giulio Capone - Drums and Keyboards, Giorgio Novarino - Bass und Daniele Genugu - Guitar. You and Sandro are probably brothers, aren't you?

Giulio:   Yes, it's right! We are brothers! This is a reason why for us it wasn't oo difficult to play together and to work on the band. It's a good thing also because it's easier to organize live gigs and the rehearsals.

  Are you all fulltime musicians or do you have other jobs in "real" live? Which one?

Giulio:   It's very difficult to be a full time musician, so we all have different jobs. For example Giorgio is a CAD Designer, while Daniele works for an important clothes brand. My brother Sandro is a student and I own a recording studio here in our hometown. But anyway I'm a student after all. The only fulltime musician is our singer Fabio.

  How many time do the members invest for working in the band?

Giulio:   Not so much. The band is managed by Sandro who's the mastermind behind every BEJELIT's move. Of course everyone plays his role, but because a lot of different reasons we cannot work on BEJELIT all the time and all together... Sandro spends half of his daytime on BEJELIT...

  What does the name BEJELIT mean? Is it an italian word?

Giulio:   No, it's not an italian word. It's a word from babylonian language and it means "God's Home". No, we're not a christian metal band...ehehehehe... It's related to our concept about the famous japanese manga Berserk. All our lyrics are based on it, so also our name is related to this epic comic. Anyway in the comic, BEJELIT is a talisman which is very similar to an egg with nose, eyes and mouth, which is like a key to realize dreams, but through the final sacrifice.

  From where exactly in Italy do you come from? Where do the bandmembers live?

Giulio:   We come from a small town called Arona in the very north-west of Italy. We're near the suisse border, near the Lago Maggiore. Me, Sandro and Fabio live here, Daniele lives in Novara 30 km south from here. And Giorgio lives in a small town called Nosate at half way between Arona and Novara.

  After publishing the Power Metal pearl 'Hellgate' in 2004, you are already working hard on your next album. When is the release of the new CD planned?

Giulio:   Yes, we're working on the next album, which will be surely better than 'Hellgate' concerning production and sound. Now we are doing the preproduction to check the goodness of the new songs. And we are planning to finish this step in april. Then we'll work for a new deal or to keep the actual one. But I think, that if you did like "Hellgate", you will like this really more!!

  What can you already tell us about the new song? Do you have a title for the forthcoming CD yet?

Giulio:   The new album has not a title yet... we have just a working title, but everything's not confirmed. It's "Age of wars" and it will be based on the adventures of the falcon team (who knows Berserk will know, what I'm talking about). The new songs are really more heavy than "Hellgate", but also more melodical. I think it will be a big step forward for us. In this album we would like to show the real value of BEJELIT. To be honest, me and Fabio are working on some of the songs that will be on the third album, but of course it is really too early to speak about it... in our minds it will be something very special.

  Who of you is responsable for the compositions and who writes the lyrics? You all together or do only some of you take care of it?

Giulio:   The main idea for a song comes from one of us, but everyone is involved into the arrangement process! We're a band, not a solo project. Usually Fabio is the writer for our lyrics, but on "Hellgate" there are three songs for that I wrote the lyrics. And it was just an experiment, because I never did it. Now we are able to divide our work precisely: so as Sandro works on the main riffs and structure, Daniele works on solos and leads. Giorgio and me of course work on rhythmic structures and Fabio on the vocal melodies...

  From where do you get the ideas for your music? I read for example, that the music of BEJELIT is based on a Manga-Comic of Kentaro Miura. Could you please explain it for the nonexperts of mangacomics like me!?

Giulio:'s not a fast thing. As I told you before our main inspiration is the manga Berserk, which is really a cruel one! Not the classical fantasy ambientation... something more obscure, evil, deadly! Kentaro Miura is a master!!! We sent to him our CD, but we never received a reply... we would really like to have his opinion about it! Anyway Berserk is a comic about the adventures of a warrior called Gatsu, who has to fight with rage against five archdaemons called 'The God's Hand'. I think the main theme of Berserk is the endless revenge of Gatsu, but also the never lost hope to solve everything. It's both: dark and light... don't you think?

  Are there any other sources of inspiration? What kind of music do you guys listen to in your privat time? Is your work perhaps inspired by this, too?

Giulio:   The only other source of inspiration is H.P. Lovecraft, our favourite writer! He was a genius! The song 'The haunter of the dark' is based on his novel with the same title. It is the only none Berserk song of "Hellgate". Of course the music we listen to, is a great inspiration. We have different musical tastes in BEJELIT and it's clear reading our favourite bands. Fabio is a MAIDEN fan while I'm a big STRATOVARIUS maniac. I also listen to every kind of music. Giorgio loves AYERON and SYMPHONY X. Daniele listens to RAGE, OMEN, HELLOWEEN and the other great metal acts of the eighties. Sandro likes IN FLAMES, H.I.M., CHILDREN OF BODOM... So as you see, very different metal styles.

  With one of your songs you're actually represented on the CD-Sampler of march issue of the italian Rock Hard. How does it come along? Surely it is a great pleasure for you, isn't it?!

Giulio:   It's an honour!!! It's also a great way to promote our music! The song is 'Skull knight ride' (hey, it's mine-hehehe) and it is a mid-tempo song, which represents the classic Heavy Metal side of BEJELIT. We mostly play Speed Metal songs, fast, double bass drums and so on. But 'Skull knight ride' is both; a good album song and live song.

  Are live gigs important for BEJELIT beside the production of the CD? How many gigs did you have in the past?

Giulio:   We're mainly a live band! This is the truth. We love to play live and the best opinion we receive are about our live gigs. We try to create a good show for everyone, who comes to see us playing. Fabio is a great showman and also the other guys are really good live musicians and showmen. We played a lot of gigs in the last years all over the italian country.

  Will you go on a live tour after the release of the new work? If yes, will we be able to see you in Germany, too?

Giulio:   After the new album release, we'll surely start to tour a lot and play live everywhere we can. Surely we'll play in Italy and maybe (if we have the right contacts)we're going to play in Germany, Suisse, Greece and so on. We would really love to play there!

  Once again, many thanks for the interview! I wish you good luck for the new album and hope you will gain a lot of new friends with it in Germany,too.

Giulio:   Thanks thanks thanks again to you and to your great site! It's really great! We hope to have a lot of new friends there in Germany, too. Please visit our site at to keep in contact with us and let us know your opinion about "Hellgate"!! We really hope to see you soon, maybe at a live gig of BEJELIT there in Germany! Stay heavy - to all of you!!


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