06.01.2024    GRAVE verlieren 2 Bandmitglieder   (18982 mal gelesen)
Mika Lagrén und Tobias Cristiansson sind nicht mehr Teil von GRAVE und daraufhon wurden vorerst alle Livetermine für 2024 abgesagt.

Hier das original Statement der Band:
"The past months have been quite overwhelming in the Grave camp. Two of our long-time members Mika Lagrén and Tobias Cristiansson have jumped ship and are no longer in the band. There is no bad blood between us and we wish them all the luck in their future endeavors.
However this puts an enormous strain on the band and it's hard to see what the future holds and if there even is a future. At this moment nothing is for sure and nothing is taken for granted.
A decision has been made to halt all live activities for 2024 since there really is no line up which makes necessary preparations impossible.
The main focus for this year will be to restructure the band if possible and to hopefully write/record and release a long awaited new studio album.
Into the darkness - Into the...

(Quelle: Grave Facebook)

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