Interview mit Mr. Wilson von Gorerotted

Ein Interview von Opa Steve vom 30.06.2005 (8830 mal gelesen)
Let's bring the fun element into extreme gore metal music.

  Hi Guys, nice to listen again to a new output from you. What did you do for the last two years?

Mr. Wilson:   Well, it's been a year and a half since we released the last album, so it's been busy times! We've been touring "Only Tools and Corpses", whilst writing the material for this album, in-between getting drunk, trying not to be killed by people, passing vehicles, inanimate objects - it's a difficult life my friend, but a good one all the same!

  Why did Mr. Gore leave the band?

Mr. Wilson:   This is the question everyone asks - Mr.Gore was asked to leave the band, not the other way around! Since "Tools" he didn't do anything, didn't write any lyrics, he can't play any instruments, didn't want to rehearse or tour any more, so we thought - no more, we want to move on with our music, not be held back, so we did!

  The alternating vocals are still an element on the new GOREROTTED material. How will you arrange the old and the new material for live gigs? Will Goreskin take more parts, or will Wilson do Mr. Gore's lines?

Mr. Wilson:   It's funny you ask that - I did a lot of vocals on "Tools" anyway, even if people think it was Mr.Gore. When the shit hit the fan with him, we had a big festival in Austria in one week, so I learned all his parts in 5 days! That festival ruled, and it felt better than before - me and Ben Goreskin work really naturally together, so the composition for the new album, although more towards Goreskin, is still the same as it always was!

  "A New Dawn...." has a clear and aggressive sound. How was the experience to work with your live mixer at a studio recording and how did you come to this decision?

Mr. Wilson:   We decided on this because we had worked with him for a long time, and he understood our sound, and what we were and weren't looking for! The experience itself was not quite the way we wanted, but the aesthetic problems that we had in the studio were overcome, it's just a pain in the ass you can do without! I'm happy with the end result!

  If you listen carefully to the new "Dawn..." material you can find a lot of very great instrumental parts which have fine standards and remind me on well known CANNIBAL CORPSE work. Is it a problem for you that other bands are famous for their great instrumental skills, but it's never focussed on you because it's never given special emphasis?

Mr. Wilson:   I don't think there is a problem here at all! I mean CORPSE are the originators of this scene, they did so many things first, and inspired other bands to follow suit, so obviously the focus is on them! I think people are starting to realise that GOREROTTED can offer this sort of music, and not just be the kinda comic book band that some people think we are!

  If you consider all the gore metal bands, where does GOREROTTED place itself for music and lyrics? Do you want to reach an extreme corner, or is the fun element in your songs so strong that you see yourself outside the extreme scene and do your own thing?

Mr. Wilson:   I would say that we are part of that scene, and not part of it too! Our music and lyrics are violent and aggressive, but can also be more subtle, and like you say, sometimes a little humorous! That's just our personalities coming through in the music we create - I hate it when bands take gore so seriously, and it's like, dude, you don't even have a chick, and you wrote a whole album about stabbing her up - it's sad! Don't get me wrong, I love all that stuff, but don't feel your bound by some sort of rule or something - we are looking down the other end of the telescope my friend!

  Do your lyrics and public drug confessions meet the british humor or did you ever got some problems in your or other countries?

Mr. Wilson:   We're in the shit all the time! Everything you read about in GOREROTTED lyrics or whatever is 100% us! One thing I love about GOREROTTED, is what you see is what you get - if you don't like it, don't like it, and if you do, come and have a beer! We have had a few altercations with the law, but thankfully nothing too serious, yet!

  "My backdoor crack-whore - I gave her some white, she offered me the brown" - where do you get this special humor from? Do you just sit down and create such lines, or do you have special situations in your real life when you get this ideas?

Mr. Wilson:   Ha! I suppose a bit of both! Like I said, we have a very sarcastic sense of humour, and we write what is natural for us, so this come across in our music! Ben wrote that one, and he does have a penchant for the white stuff, and for dirty middens who'll do pretty much anything for a line - come to think of it, so will he! It's what I said before, what you see is what you get!

  What are your favourite horror movies?

Mr. Wilson:   Oh man, there's just too many! I used to be right into the old school x rated stuff, like the New York Ripper, or the Cannibal movies, but I'm not as much into it any more. Ben and Tim are big movie collectors! Lately there's been some really cool stuff coming out though, like SAW, that was cool, and 28 Days Later, that film ruled, so there is hope for horror after all!

  What do you do in your life beside GOREROTTED? Do you have jobs outside the music industry, or is music your life?

Mr. Wilson:   Music is our lives my friend! We do have to work to support our habits, whatever they may be, but we're always involved in the music industry in one way or another! For example, Tim and Jon both run record labels and distribution, and they put on shows and small tours in the UK - so it is work, but it's staying close to what you love, so that's cool!

  Matthew put some "illegal mp3 downloads" in his playlist at his web profile. What about if your songs would be shared worldwide in Kazaa, eDonkey etc.? Do you share the opinion of the record companies that filesharing systems lower the number of sold CDs, or don't you have any opinion at all because you don't make music mainly for the money?

Mr. Wilson:   Our music is downloaded as much as the next band, and I think there was a bit of irony in that comment! Of course file-sharing and downloading is going to be detrimental to record sales, but it can also have the reverse effect! As a metal fan, I like to check things out, but I also like to have the original CD in my collection, and I think a lot of metal fans would agree with me on that - I mean I was a tape trader, which is the same thing, and everybody goes on about how that was great for the scene! Another example, we were playing in Eastern Europe, and some dude at a festival said to me, I can't afford to buy your CD so I downloaded it, and he was down the front, thrashing his head to the whole show - who am I to take that away from him???

  "A New Dawn..." will be released as a limited edition with a DVD. Can you tell me more about this DVD and what we will find on it?

Mr. Wilson:   Yeah, it's got 2 live performances; and the music video for 'Only Tools and Corpses'! One show is from Summer Breeze last year, where you can see GOREROTTED in the big festival environment, and the other is in a little club show, right up close and personal, and we love that too! It's too different sides to our live performance, and I think it makes the CD a great package!

  You have a nice dictionary on your web site: GOREROTTED A-Z. Please translate the following terms into the meaning for you:

Mr. Wilson:   - Dope - keeps GOREROTTED alive! If Junko and Matthew didn't have some green, things would get broken and people would be wronged! Did you know Junko's ears are radars for finding weed at a festival, accurate up to 500m? - Jobs - everyone has gotta have one, mine is insulting women, spilling beer all over myself, and taking my clothes off in public - what's yours? - Fans - makes it all worthwhile - we don't look at people as "fans" - they are metallers like us, so come and join the party, we're all in this together! - Porn - we love it! Who doesn't! Although Matthew likes the most disgusting stuff, with like Grannies with one eye, no arm and false teeth, who are drunk, and bald! - Dani Filth - mucho respect to the small man with the big voice - a very intelligent master of the English language - I love CRADLE!!! - Tony Blair - strange guy, sometimes I like him and sometimes don't like him, but to be honest, politics isn't that important. We're all gonna die, and if it's not cause of him, it'll be something or someone else, so get the beers in, crank up the tunes, and lets have some fun!

  Thank you very much, and perhaps we'll meet on tour or at a festival.

Mr. Wilson:   Yeah, sure, like I said, we wanna meet everyone, share some beers and some good times! These are the times of our lives, and I'm gonna enjoy every bit of it!


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