Interview mit Elijah Blue Allman von Deadsy

Ein Interview von Krümel vom 28.07.2007 (7039 mal gelesen)
Right away in these days the new DEADSY album "Phantasmagore" was published here in Europe. Time to talk with Elijah Blue Allman (singer and head of the band) about himself, the band, their music and intentions....

Unfortunately, DEADSY isn't well known here with us. So let's start with the "early beginnings"... Elijah, you're the son of Cher and Gregg Allman. Was or is it hard to be a child of such stars? How do you fell about it? Is it a gift or a burden?

Elijah: I grew up in New England in prep schools and military school from the age of 8. I was not around my parents and am the product of institutions, this has made me who I am and has greatly influenced my abstract choices; both personally as a man and creatively as an artist. My parents have as much to do with my creative reality as the next artist who's parents are unestablished. I've seen it only be a hinderance as most people are blinded by fame and have a hard time looking on to the substance of our legacy.

In which way can we imagine your education?

Elijah: It's everything to me. Early on I knew that knowledge was power. I am self educating at every moment and always learning. I am also a Vedic Scholar and an oblique thinker. My hero in this regard is Brian Eno.

Already with the age of 13 you played the guitar in your mothers' band. Isn't it it unusual? When did you learn playing guitar?

Elijah: I just wanted to make money that summer to buy drugs, that seemed the most interesting way. I was also conditioning my self for life on the road which would serve me in later years with DEADSY. I started playing guitar seriously when I was 11.

Then in 1995 you founded DEADSY. How did you come to the decision to start a Rock band?

Elijah: I had a strong vision for music. I wanted to create sophisticated, abstract, heavy art-rock......I succeded.

What is the opinion of your parents about your own music? Do they like them?

Elijah: Like every parents, they don't understand it. And that is exactly how I like it. What I create is of the future and they are of the past.

Do you earn your living with DEADSY or is it "just" a sideline?

Elijah: DEADSY has been my whole world, it's the most important thing I have ever done and it is what I am most proud of in this life. Economics are something else entirely, but I am well off.

How often do the members meet eachother? Only for rehearsals, production or also for private activities?

Elijah: When we are engaged (for a record, tour, etc...) we are a constant unit like any fortifide band. Dr Nner and I grew up together in prep school so I see him the most.

What kind of things are you doing during your (surely) valuable free time?

Elijah: Writing songs for my upcoming solo record, shagging girls, reading esoteric literature, exercise, etc....I follow the daily regime of any decent renaissance man.

At the end of july your second album "Phantasmagore" will be published in Europe, too. Are you a bit nervous concerning the possible reactions of the European audience?

Elijah: I'm never nervous in light of anyone's "reactions", that would imply that I care about what other people think of my art. I make the music simply because I am compelled to, not to garner glory and accolades. The way I see it, we have succeded every time we finish a record that contains groundbreaking, influential and enduring music. I'm sure the Europeans will be changed in someway by being exposed to our music, its state of mind.

Do you think there exists a difference between the musical scene in America and Europe? If yes, what kind of differences could that be?

Elijah: Very much so, in a yin yang kind of way. Throughout history there has been an interesting volley of influence and inspiration that has carryed over the Atlantic Ocean. Europe has always been ahead in terms of forward thinkingness and vision, but America is where rock wand blues were born. At the present time, both places are in need of some danger in there modern rock, as music is in an awful state of these homogenized, safe, boring, faggy "emo" bands.

Looking at the cover (and also the homepage) artwork it is remarkable, that each bandmember represents a colour. What does this represent? Could you please explain the intention of this?

Elijah: It is simply a way of enunciating each member's individuality. We are all equal and have the same potency when we perform on stage, the focus is not on me its on DEADSY as a 5-headed hydra.

The songs at the album are quite catchy. Nevertheless the music doesn't sound just "simple" but somehow fascinating. Who's responsable for the songwriting in the band? Do you share this work?

Elijah: I am the principle song writer and the band has always been my brainchild, but we are all responsible for writing, perfoming, arranging, etc...on the albums. All we ever wanted wad to be an island, a musical institution that was blindingly original and had nothing to do with any of our peers and contemporaries......we succeded.

Usually the music of DEADSY would be described as Gothic Rock, but you call it "Undercore" - what does that mean? Or is it just a word?

Elijah: It is the proper word to describe our music, as anytime a new genre of music is born in needs an appropriate name. All these 7 hyphen compounds of words by journalists to describe are music should be sufficient that we are our own genre.

What was the reason to make a coverversion (that on my opinion is really great) of 'Paint It Black'?

Elijah: It was an homage to the SISTER OF MERCY cover of 'Gimme Shelter' by the STONES. We knew we would make the ultimate goth rock anthem out of 'Paint It Black', when we cover a song....its never the same.

Do you often play liveshows?

Elijah: When we are on a record cycle, yes...many.

Are they real rockshows (with a lot of stuff...) or are they more plain?

Elijah: They are the realest rockshows in the land, we take people on a cosmic Odyssey. Our music looks exactly how it sounds...

Do you have any plans to play live in Europe? If yes, when would we be able to see you here?

Elijah: Hopefully we will be coming to Europe in the fall, we will to continue to build our following and campaign the album and we look forward to coming.

Thanks for your time!


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