Interview mit Magnus Olsfelt (bass) von The Crown

Ein Interview von Souleraser vom 11.12.2003 (10613 mal gelesen)
I send these questions already before the release of "Possessed 13". Finally, the answers arrived and I enjoyed reading, what Magus Olsfelt, bass player at THE CROWN had to say...

Is there a lyrical concept in the songs of "Possessed 13"?

Magnus: No not really, every song is a world by its'own. But I am very satisfied with the lyrics on this one. It is perfectly balanced between all the elements that we'e about. It is following the very traditional death metal concepts about death and spiritual freedom. But it is made in an updated version with some more realistic and modern touches. They are serious but it never gets too much, and they are cool but it never gets out of hand.

Who wrote the lyrics after all?

Magnus: I wrote all the lyrics exept Bow To None which Marko wrote and Deliverance which actually Andreas Bergh (Deathstars) wrote. We have talked about that we have a bit the same style of lyricwriting when he was still in Swordmaster, and when Tomas was kicked out of the band, Andreas was supposed to do a US tour with us but it never happened. Any way, he is a fan of THE CROWN and asked us if he could write a text for us. It was very welcome, he writes brilliant lyrics.

And what kind of people does music like this? What do you usually do for living - or at least spent your time with?

Magnus: We have always prioritated the band, so what we do outside of the band has just been to survive and keep the band going. And we are always prepared to go away on tours and recordings so we don' have very high-flying careers. Right now I am working part-time at the post. It is ok, it is just a job it is not my life or anything.

Personally, I begin to like record on from Song No 6, 'Morningstar Rising'. The songs coming up there just sound better arranged, better flowing and simply much more organic. Is there something like a continueing timeline in the order these songs were written? Are the first songs older?

Magnus: No, there is no time-line or anything, we just don' have like the very best hit songs first and then some fillers, but an album that actually each and every song has something to contribute to the whole. Like the pieces in a puzzle. It grows and rises the further you listen to it and only when you have heard the whole album you get the whole picture.

There have been numerous live activities this year already. I counted 25 shows done and 22 more still to come, so 47 shows total and all over Europe. Sounds like a pretty exhausting year to me. Are you still looking forward to the 22 concerts you'll be doing in November?

Magnus: Yes, touring and playing live is of course exhausting, but it feels like a drive, a need to do it. When its good - nothing beats it.I also think that you have to play live and tour a lot to stay alive as a band and become a really good band. - All studio projects suck old impotent cock!

Among others, you've been to Wacken Open Air and Summer Breeze Festival. How do you feel about those festivals and the shows you played there?

Magnus: It is all good man! Awesome big crowds and you get the oppurtunity to reach out to new people who never heard you before. I am myself a big fan of going to rock festivals, the Roskilde festival in denmark rules!

Do you usually prefer club gigs or festivals?

Magnus: Club gigs can get more intimate and intense and that' great but the festivals have the SIZE! Both rule!

13 Years of Death Metal... Pretty long time. Are there things you regret, things you wouldn't do anymore?

Magnus: No regrets! But I cannot write good brutalfast songs with 16 riffs anymore.

In Germany, number '13' means bad luck. Is it the same in Finland?

Magnus: Yes I guess it is a international bad luck number.

Is there anything else you'd like to tell our readers?

Magnus: !Readers of Metal-Germany! - Get Possessed you too!!! - NOW!!!

Thanks for your time and answering my questions. I wish you much success for 'Possessed 13' and much success and fun for the upcoming shows.

Magnus: Thanx a lot for your support and the interview. Sorry for the long delay, I've been busy like a motherfucker! Alright Take it easy!


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