Interview mit Alberto von Delirium X Tremens

Ein Interview von Evil Wörschdly vom 29.08.2005 (7075 mal gelesen)
DELIRIUM X TREMENS is a fine band from the Italian death metal underground. As I liked their first demo "Cyberhuman" I agreed to do an interview with singer Alberto.

  Most of the readers probably don’t know DELIRIUM X TREMENS, so please introduce your band shortly.

Alberto:   Hi, this is Alberto "Ciardo" DXT’s singer. We formed in 1998 playing covers… then after many line-up changes we felt the need to create our music. Our hate towards the rotten world we are living in made the rest.

  Your first output "Cyberhuman" is a concept album dealing with science and the annihilation of human. Can you tell us more about this concept?

Alberto:   The concept comes from what we see every day… man and his hunger for power, scientific speculations, genetic experiments! There are borders in nature that shouldn’t be trespassed. However man is doing just that and we believe that it will bring to total destruction.

  Is it important to you that people listen to or read your lyrics? Are the lyrics printed in the booklet of the CD? (My promo-copy didn’t contain a booklet…) Are you also interested in other bands’ lyrics?

Alberto:   For us the lyrical aspect is very important, it’s a structural part of our expression. Without those lyrics the music would lose half of its meaning. Lyrics express a band’s personality and soul! The lyrics were printed in the original cd but now it is sold out! Now we have just re-printed it with a cd-rom track including pictures, lyrics, live video and wallpapers!!

  Nowadays it is no longer that unusual for a metal band to sing in their mother tongue – even if it is a rather "exotic" one which people in other countries won’t understand. Did you ever consider writing a song with Italian lyrics?

Alberto:   Your question is quite appropriate!! Italian is our mother tongue and we are strongly linked to our origins, as we come from a mountain place; in fact we decided to insert a pair of parts in Italian in the album we are producing! We think it can give a particular sound.

  What can you tell us about the death metal scene in Italy? Are there some interesting bands you can recommend?

Alberto:   Italian scene is alive and kicking, perhaps there isn’t will enough to sacrifice a little more. If you need some advice try listening Ensoph, Mind Snare, Aisling, Ars Macabra, Slowmotion Apocalypse, Handful of Hate, Sidus Tenebrarum, Gaia’s Vestige… all very good bands.

  When will your new album "Crehated From No_Thing" be finished? Tell us something about the new songs. What has changed since "Cyberhuman"?

Alberto:   We have just finished recording at Majestic Studios: they went on for 20 days, now we are taking a short break and at the end of August we will mix it. We are very satisfied with it!! The songs are the natural evolution of "Cyberhuman", they are faster and more in your face! This time we made some experiments with guitar synths to re-create the sick feelings described in the lyrics. The result is really spooky!!!

  Will the new album have a lyrical concept again?

Alberto:   The new album is about a scientist obsessed by the dream of eternal life, experimenting and speculating about everything, pushed by his quest for knowledge…that’s an image of what man is doing today! We describe the experiments , the rooms where he dwells, the acre smell of his laboratory, his visions and his nightmares. As you can see there will be continuity also in the lyrics.

  After finishing the new record – what are your plans for the future? What do you hope to achieve with the band?

Alberto:   Of course we are looking for a label interested in the promotion of our sound. We will play live as much as we can, in Italy and abroad! Live experience is very important for us!

  What do you guys do in your everyday life?

Alberto:   We are simple workers. Thomas, the drummer, is a swimming teacher; the rest of the band works in different factories! We would like to earn a living with music but we know that, because of the music we play, it’s not a likely option… Our second job is drinking gallons of beer and grappa (an Italian vine liquor).

  Any final words?

Alberto:   Thank you Katja and to the whole staff for the great support; bands really need people like you!!!! We invite everybody to our site where you can find all the information you need about us, plus mp3 and live videos!!!:L’uomo vuole spingersi oltre, attraversando confini pericolosi, confini proibiti dalla natura. ...l’uomo sarà la causa della sua stessa distruzione. …Technological hate is coming…


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