29.06.2018    DEICIDE geben Albumdetails bekannt.   (9673 mal gelesen)
Die Florida Black/Death-Metaller haben bekanntgegeben, dass noch dieses Jahr der Nachfolger zu "In The Minds Of Evil" in die Läden kommen soll. Genauer gesagt am 14.09.

Benton sagt dazu:
This album came together over time, meaning we didn't want to rush it. A few people might remember an interview where Steve Asheim (original member, drummer/songwriter) said 'the material is done, but it's just not there yet.' Well, that was the jumping off point of when this album truly started taking shape and the songs became what they are now...complete, compact and effective. As the band pushed forward, so did the writing process and a few other processes which made the record and the band stronger. The result is Overtures Of Blasphemy, perhaps the group’s strongest release to date. Jason Suecoff lended his considerable talents and attention to detail in making the tracking of the songs as great as they can be and the final mix as sonically brutal, yet as listenable as possible. An arduous process, but one well worth the time and effort."

(Quelle: Century Media)

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